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Distracted Driving Laws in Kansas
Posted in Car Accident
Every person operating a motor vehicle must always remain focused on the road. A distraction such as sending or reading a text message or even reaching for something in the back seat can cause an accident in an instant. An automobile crash can happen in a split second—when the driver takes their eyes off the road.
Distracted driving is responsible for millions of car accidents annually. According to the Kansas Traffic Safety Resource Office, an estimated one in four crashes in Kansas result from distracted driving.
The experienced and award-winning personal injury attorney at GroverLawKC is dedicated to helping those injured or lost loved ones in collisions caused by distracted drivers. Attorney Mark Grover proudly serves clients throughout the two states with offices in Kansas City, Missouri, and Overland Park, Kansas.
What is Distracted Driving?
Distracted driving is any activity that involves taking one’s eyes off the road, hands off the wheel, or mind out of focus while driving. Although texting or talking on the phone are some of the most common forms of distracted driving that cause preventable accidents on Kansas and Missouri roads, numerous other behaviors contribute to distractions behind the wheel.
Some of the most common behaviors that may constitute distracted driving include:
Talking on the phone
Reading or sending a text message or email
Applying makeup or combing one’s hair
Staring in the rear-view mirror for too long
Using GPS navigation
Selecting a song on an electronic device
Reaching for something in the back seat or a glove compartment
Actively engaging in a conversation with a passenger
Driving with a crying infant or unruly child in the vehicle
Distractions behind the wheel can be classified into three types:
Manual. The motorist does something that requires them to take their hands off the wheel (e.g., holding a cell phone to send a text message).
Visual. The motorist takes their eyes off the road (e.g., to check a GPS navigation system).
Cognitive. The motorist diverts their attention to another mentally demanding task (e.g., talking to passengers or daydreaming).
Every type of distraction can increase the risk of a preventable accident. Some behaviors involve more than one distraction. For example, texting while driving may result in all three forms of distraction.
According to a survey by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, almost all drivers (96%) agree that texting while driving is very dangerous. However, the same study reveals that 39% read a text message while operating a motor vehicle in the past month.
In many accidents, proving that the other driver was distracted can be daunting, so a victim may need to hire a skilled attorney to help them gather evidence to prove their case and obtain fair compensation.
Kansas Distracted Driving Laws
Most motorists in Kansas do not have any restrictions on talking on the phone while operating a motor vehicle. However, underage motorists driving with an instruction permit are prohibited from using a wireless device to talk, text, or for any other purpose. The only exception is if the underage driver needs to use a device to call 911 or report a crime.
Kansas distracted driving laws also make it illegal for all drivers to use cellphones and other wireless communication devices to write, read, and send text messages and emails while driving. However, there are several exceptions to the ban. The restriction does not apply to:
Motorists stopped by the side of the road in a vehicle that was not moving
Emergency services and law enforcement personnel performing their duties
Motorists who use voice-operated technologies
Motorists who need to report a crime to law enforcement
Motorists who receive a message regarding the operation/navigation of the vehicle or emergency/traffic/weather alert messages
Motorists who must use a device to prevent imminent injury to themselves, another person, or property
Motorists who need to enter or select a number to make or receive a call
In Kansas, texting while driving carries a $60 fine in addition to accompanying court costs and fees. Missouri is one of only two states that do not make texting while driving illegal for all motorists. Missouri law makes texting while driving illegal only for drivers aged 21 and under. Drivers of commercial vehicles are also prohibited from using handheld communication devices.
Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney
Suppose you suffered injuries in an automobile crash caused by a distracted driver. In that case, it’s essential to speak with an attorney in Overland Park, Kansas, to discuss the specifics of your case. The car accident attorney at GroverLawKC can assist you with your case, seeking to prove that the other driver was distracted and help you fight for fair compensation. Reach out today to schedule a case evaluation.