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How to Win a Slip & Fall Personal Injury Case
Posted in General
When it comes to slip and fall claims, like all personal injury cases, there are several things you must prove to win your claim. Read on to find out if you’ve got what you need to win your case.
One thing you have to prove is that a company was negligent in its duty to protect visitors to their property. For instance, if there was an ice storm overnight and a business neglected to salt, close, or post a sign warning of slippery conditions on a walkway, it’s possible that would qualify as negligence.
The other side of negligence is liability—that they are reasonably liable for damages. In short, you must prove that the defendant failed to act as a reasonably prudent person would have under similar circumstances. For instance, using our icy conditions example, a business might be reasonably liable hours after the ice storm, but it is probably not reasonable to expect them to have a sign-up during the ice storm.
The third condition you have to prove is that YOU are not responsible for an accident. This is typically called comparative fault negligence or contributory negligence. In our slip & fall case, the defendant would try to prove that the plaintiff was engaging in some sort of behavior that contributed to or caused the fall, such as talking on the phone or texting, which might have prevented him or her from noticing the icy conditions.
Hire a Slip & Fall Personal Injury Lawyer
As you can see, there are a lot of complex factors that go into successfully winning or defending a slip & fall injury case. If you’re considering hiring a personal injury lawyer, give us a call at GroverLawKC.
We examine the facts of your case and put an appropriate value on your claim, and if you decide to move forward, we’ll help you every step of the way through the judicial system’s complex legal processes.
At GroverLawKC, we take personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you’ll never pay anything upfront.
You’ll only pay once your case is settled. If you’re ready to talk to a personal injury lawyer, give us a call or visit our website for more information.